A free quiz to help you determine your child’s unique sensory needs, so you can better understand their challenges and find a solution that works for them.


➔ As a parent, when you start researching sensory processing, it can be confusing! Not all children with sensory challenges fit into one box. So just when you think you’ve understood, you then read something that contradicts it all, and feel like you’re back to square one again!

➔ This is why the very FIRST step to supporting your child is to clearly understand the type of sensory needs they have. This way, you can find a solution that works for them specifically.  

➔ Knowing which sensory type best describes your child will help you connect with, understand and empower yourself and your child! 


As a parent, when you start researching sensory processing, it can be confusing! Not all children with sensory challenges fit into one box. So just when you think you’ve understood, you then read something that contradicts it all, and feel like you’re back to square one again!

 This is why the very FIRST step to supporting your child is to clearly understand the type of sensory needs they have. This way, you can find a solution that works for them specifically.    

Knowing which sensory type best describes your child will help you connect with, understand and empower yourself and your child!   

By taking this short Quiz, you will:

Become clear on whether your child has sensory processing difficulties

Struggling to identify whether your child’s actions are sensory or just a phase / developmental? This quiz will give you the clarity you need.

Gain clarity on your child’s type of sensory processing difficulties

You’ll receive a description of your child's sensory type and what that means for them as well as what impact it can have on their day to day life. This will then help you take the right steps for creating a calmer environment in the home.

Be able to fully support and effectively communicate with your child

By understanding which category your child falls into, you’ll be able to communicate better with them as well as ensure they are fully supported at home as well as at school.

Hey, I’m Vicky!

 I’m a children’s Occupational Therapist, here to support parents of children with sensory processing difficulties.

After working for the NHS for over 17 years supporting families and children with a range of various needs, I have found there is a huge lack of knowledge around and support for children with sensory needs.

 This is a huge frustration for me and so many families.

So I’m here to provide the answer. I’m here to provide a service that is affordable and accessible for all.

My focus is on upskilling, empowering and educating YOU, the parent. And giving you all the tools you need to support your child at home.

You don’t need to go down the traditional route…

A lot of people think therapy should be 1:1 with the child, but I know this is not the best way. Educating you as the parent will serve you so much better long term.

Think about it. You go and see a therapist for one hour a week (if you’re lucky!)... but what about the other 167 hours of the week… what do you do then?
Are you ready to finally gain clarity on and find a solution for your child’s sensory needs?

Start here…